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How To Design An Informative University Brochure?


A brochure is designed carefully to deliver all the required information to the target population. A university brochure will help students receive all the required information about the courses, class strength for each course, eligibility criteria, placement details and many such relevant factors. A carefully planned brochure design for university will avoid unnecessary confusion among the applicants. It will also reduce the efforts that the staff will have to undergo answering redundant queries.

Compelling and Authentic Clear images

An applicant might get to know more about the college by just looking at the clear and well-illustrated images. Images about the premises, classrooms, faculty and other details might clear any existing doubts that the students have about the university.

Contact Information

The best brochure design for university should include two-three contact details. The more communication channels you offer, the less trouble it will be for the staff and applicants. Also, make sure you provide multiple phones and email Ids to ensure that interested applicants are convinced about your positive and welcoming attitude.

About Us section

This is where you need to mention details about your establishment, when was it started, major achievements and other relevant top details

The different colleges/campus and courses offered in them

This will include details about all the colleges and what courses each college has to offer. The colleges can be categorized based on graduation, post-graduation, subjects and other factors.


Provide details about where exactly the university is located and attach a map if required.

The logo and Name of University

Make sure the name and the logo are present on every page of the brochure.

The founders

This will include details about all the founders of the establishment and their qualifications and experience

Extracurricular activities

Students love to get involved in activities that help them display their hobbies and skills. Different clubs and meets for drama, music, dance, public speaking, debate, etc will attract more students and help them build their academics along with other core skills.

Design a university brochure is not very easy. It will include a lot of information. You need to filter all the relevant details and display more information in the most compact way

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